Friday, June 24, 2005


St John's Day. Johannestag. Midsummer Night's Dream.

Today's Feast is about the birth of the Voice--as St Augustine says, St John is the Voice, and Jesus is the Word.

Today's Feast is about the healing and opening of the voice of Zechariah, St John's father, so that he could sing out the announcement of the name of the son.

Today's Feast is about the silent voice of the infant John in the Womb of Elizabeth, singing out in eloquent silence by leaping and jumping within her, so great was his joy at the nearness of the Christ.

Today's Feast is about the voice of one crying in the wilderness, "Prepare the Way of the Lord"--thus the beginning of our return from exile.

Today's Feast is about the voice of the one who pointed to Jesus as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.

Today's Feast is about the voice of the Baptist who poured water on the head of Jesus, thus evoking the voice of the Father who reveals His son to the world.

Today's Feast is about the voice of the Baptizing exemplar, whose voice is present at our own and at every baptism.

Today's Feast is about the voice of blood, as St John gave witness to Jesus in his own eloquent death.

Today we sing, because our own voices are liberated.

St John the Baptist, at the opening of the voice of summer, sings of Jesus. And we sing too.

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